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Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Fecal DNA - Fecal samples contain not only host genes but also microbial genes. The information from both sources is used in various fields, such as suspect identification, pet tracking, drug development, and health supplement production. Besides, research on metagenome and probiotics is considered a promising industry in the future.
The AllEx® Fecal DNA/RNA Kit provides an efficient solution for DNA/RNA extraction from both host and microbial sources in a variety of fecal samples. The kit is compatible with AllEx®64 Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System(shortened to AllEx®64), which employs efficient and rapid magnetic bead transfer technology. The extracted nucleic acids are suitable for a wide range of applications, including identification, infection diagnostics, genetic analysis, and microbiome research, through PCR, sequencing, and NGS.
The following study evaluates its performance based on yield and purity, along with real-time PCR, comparing it with a competitor's spin column-type manual kit.