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Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Whole blood viral DNA/RNA - IB(Infectious bronchitis) stems from CCRD(Complicated chronic respiratory disease) caused by Mycoplasma sp. as well as IBV(Infectious bronchitis virus). IB is main cause of respiratory disease or spawning disorder in poultry. Therefore, accurate and rapid diagnosis is important to prevent the spread of IB, which inflicts widespread infection on farms in a short time.
Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA kit targets pathogen total nucleic acids(TNA) from bacteria and virus infected various samples. The silica-based method, without phenol, ensures simple and fast extraction solution. Purified pathogen TNA can be used for a variety of applications such like quantitative PCR(qPCR) and reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR).
The application note aims to compare the performance of Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA with two equivalent kits from competitors. qPCR was performed with extracted TNA, which originated from rooster intentionally infected with two types of pathogens.
(Mycoplasma Gallisepticum;MG, Infectious Bronchitis Virus;IBV)