


Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Fecal DNA
Fecal samples contain not only host genes but also microbial genes. The information from both sources is used in various fields, such as suspect identification, pet tracking, drug development, and health supplement production. Besides, research on metagenome and probiotics is considered a promising industry in the future.
The AllEx® Fecal DNA/RNA Kit provides an efficient solution for DNA/RNA extraction from both host and microbial sources in a variety of fecal samples. The kit is compatible with AllEx®64 Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System(shortened to AllEx®64), which employs efficient and rapid magnetic bead transfer technology. The extracted nucleic acids are suitable for a wide range of applications, including identification, infection diagnostics, genetic analysis, and microbiome research, through PCR, sequencing, and NGS.
The following study evaluates its performance based on yield and purity, along with real-time PCR, comparing it with a competitor's spin column-type manual kit.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Whole blood viral DNA/RNA
IB(Infectious bronchitis) stems from CCRD(Complicated chronic respiratory disease) caused by Mycoplasma sp. as well as IBV(Infectious bronchitis virus). IB is main cause of respiratory disease or spawning disorder in poultry. Therefore, accurate and rapid diagnosis is important to prevent the spread of IB, which inflicts widespread infection on farms in a short time.
Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA kit targets pathogen total nucleic acids(TNA) from bacteria and virus infected various samples. The silica-based method, without phenol, ensures simple and fast extraction solution. Purified pathogen TNA can be used for a variety of applications such like quantitative PCR(qPCR) and reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR).
The application note aims to compare the performance of Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA with two equivalent kits from competitors. qPCR was performed with extracted TNA, which originated from rooster intentionally infected with two types of pathogens.
(Mycoplasma Gallisepticum;MG, Infectious Bronchitis Virus;IBV)
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Cell viral DNA/RNA
Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA kit targets pathogen total nucleic acids(TNA) from bacteria and virus infected various samples. The silica-based method, without phenol, ensures simple and fast extraction solution. Purified pathogen TNA can be used for a variety of applications such like quantitative PCR(qPCR) and reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR).
The application note aims to evaluate the performance of Ribospin™ Pathogen/TNA. K562 cell was used as the target sample for nucleic acid extraction. The sample was intentionally infected with four types of pathogen and then serially diluted. In order to measure the sensitivity of extraction, qPCR was performed with MG and IBV infected samples, and RT-PCR and electrophoresis was performed with JEV and RV infected samples.
(Mycoplasma Gallisepticum;MG, Infectious Bronchitis Virus;IBV, Japanese encephalitis virus;JEV, Rabies virus;RV)
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Comparison data
Mycoplasma infection is a disease caused by Mycoplasma spp. and it causes diseases such as chronic respiratory disease (CRD) and infectious synovitis in poultry. Besides, it also reduces the immunity and resistance against pathogen and leads to complicated chronic respiratory disease (CCRD) triggered by bacteria and virus. Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae, one of 20 species of Mycoplasma bacteria, cause enormous economic damage to farms since they’re highly contagious to chickens. It is not easy to identify Mycoplasma bacteria from other pathogens, and the infection tend to spread widely throughout flock in very short times. Therefore, accurate and rapid serological or genetic diagnostic is necessary to prevent the serious damage from the disease.
Oral epithelial cells were collected from infected rooster with two types of pathogen using cotton swabs. Then, nucleic acid was extracted by both Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit and other two competitors‘ viral/pathogen nucleic acid extraction kit. The extracted nucleic acid was used as template in Real-time PCR to assess the performance.
Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit is specifically designed to extract high quality total nucleic acid from various virus/pathogen infected samples. The nucleic acid purified by the products can be used to genetic diagnostic to figure out infection rapidly and accurately.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Comparison data
Animal-mediated pathogens are spread out through various channels like aerosol, stool, and urine. In particular, stool is known to be one of the main source of livestock epidemics. Thus, nothing is more important than strict administration on stool to prevent the livestock epidemic.

Avian Influenza (AI), a contagious respiratory disease, is a livestock epidemic that primarily spreads through direct contact. Its main target is birds, and even one gram of an infected chicken's stool contains a high concentration of the virus being capable of infecting 100,000 to 1,000,000 chickens. This contaminated stool is transferred by vehicles, feeds, instruments, and even animals like rodents, cats, birds, and humans. Usually, humans are barely infected by AI, but if infected, it's badly critical in fatality rate. In South Korea, since its initial outbreak in 2003, highly pathogenic AI has steadily persisted.

RT-PCR as well as antigen detection and serological diagnosis has been carried out to identify the AI in compliance with World Organization for Animal Health. Molecular diagnostic tests, such as PCR are one of the key technology to identify pathogens. For accurate diagnosis, it is important to extract only pure nucleic acid, while eliminating any PCR inhibitors which numerously exist in samples, such like stool.

Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit and other two competitors’ equivalent kits were used to extract nucleic acid from two types of pathogen-infected rooster’s stool. Then, Real-time PCR was performed to assess the performance. Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit serves easy and fast solution for high-quality total nucleic acid purification from various virus/pathogen-infected samples to diagnose the infection accurately.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Comparison data
The virus and pathogenic bacteria which cause respiratory diseases in poultry inflict significant damage on farming industry every year. The respiratory diseases lead the poultry to be growth retardation, decline of spawning rate, and mass death. What’s more, it can infect an entire flock and spread externally in only a few days. Therefore, rapid and accurate blood tests or genetic diagnostics are necessary to identify the presence of pathogens and prevent the spread of infections.

Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit and other two competitors’ equivalent kits were used to extract nucleic acid from two types of pathogen-infected rooster’s whole blood. Then, Real-time PCR was performed to assess the performance.

Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA kit serves easy and fast solution for high-quality total nucleic acid purification from various virus/pathogen-infected samples to diagnose the infection accurately.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Comparison data
Viruses are parasites that rapidly multiply in living hosts, including humans, animals, plants, and bacteria. They have simple structures of nucleic acids and proteins with genetic information but can't metabolize on their own. Therefore, studying viral genomes and proteins is crucial for developing vaccines and antiviral agents.
Viruses are divided into DNA and RNA types based on their nucleic acid. RNA viruses, like SFTS and Ebola, have a high mutation rate which makes it hard to promptly, diagnose and treat pathogenic viruses. Thus, frequent and quick research on the virus genome and mutation is crucial.
Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA Kit is designed to extract high-quality DNA/RNA from a variety of viral samples for various downstream application. This application note compares the performance of Exgene™ Viral DNA/RNA in extracting high-quality nucleic acid from major pathogen samples to other company’s kits.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Buccal swab viral DNA/RNA
Respiratory diseases are widespread illnesses, including mild to severe forms, often caused by viruses. Especially those with a high rate of transmission like influenza and COVID-19, have a significant impact on individuals and communities on a global scale. Diagnosis of respiratory diseases typically involves collecting nasopharyngeal swab samples. The outbreaks of MERS in 2015 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a surge in demand for effective and efficient diagnosis, resulting in increased interest and development in automatic extraction systems for high-throughput and simultaneous processing of these swab samples.
The GENTi™ Advanced Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction System in conjunction with GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit is optimized to extract viral and pathogen DNA/RNA from various types of samples. This application note compares the effectiveness of GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit in extracting high-quality nucleic acid from cotton swab samples taken from roosters infected with respiratory disease pathogens, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Infectious bronchitis virus, with kits from other company.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Stool viral DNA/RNA
The stool is one of the infection routes for various pathogens and the detection of bacteria, microbes, and parasites in stool samples can serve as a potential indicator for certain diseases, including cancer. As a result, stool specimens are considered a valuable resource in clinical analysis. Diagnosis of infection through stool sample can be accomplished through the use of Real-time PCR. However, the presence of multiple PCR inhibitors in the sample can pose a challenge to the accuracy of the results. Therefore, effective removal of these inhibitors through purification of the nucleic acid extracted from the stool sample is crucial for reliable molecular diagnosis. The GENTi™ Advanced Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction System in conjunction with GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit is capable of efficiently eliminating PCR inhibitors and extracting nucleic acid from a wide range of pathogens. This application note demonstrates the high purity of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) nucleic acid extracted from artificially spiking negative stool samples using GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit and analyzed by Real-time PCR (qPCR) and qRT-PCR.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Whole blood viral DNA/RNA
The infected whole blood is a common approach for extracting nucleic acid from pathogens. However, the presence of various inhibitors, including heme, heparin, and white blood cells, can hinder the extraction of high-quality nucleic acid. As with whole blood samples, effective removal of these inhibitors is essential for the extraction of high-quality nucleic acid.
The GENTi™ Advanced Automatic Extraction System used in combination with GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit, which employ magnetic bead technology, is specifically designed to extract pathogen DNA/RNA from blood samples containing various inhibitors. The analysis of real-time PCR (qPCR) and qRT-PCR has been demonstrated using template DNA/RNA extracted from artificially spiking negative whole blood via GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit.
Viral/Pathogen Detection:
Viruses and pathogenic bacteria infect many living things, including animals, plants, and bacteria, and cause diseases. In particular, viruses with high mutation and infection rates are the main causes of diseases.
The GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit can be used with the GENTi™ 32 Advanced Automatic Extraction System based on magnetic beads and can quickly extract viral DNA/RNA from various samples.
This application note is the result of DNA/RNA extraction from the widely known viruses (IBV, RV, JEV) and bacteria (MG) using the GENTi™ 32 Advanced Automatic Extraction System and the GENTi™ Advanced Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit.